During the event, hosted at Marjal Camping & Bungalows Resort in Guardamar, we had the chance to share great moments with our customers and friends, as well as introducing our new Eco-home, which has already come to reality. Eco-homes are sustainable dwellings and energy-efficient dwellings, complemented with a healthy environment and lifestyle in idillic surroundings under the Sun.
On the opening speech, the General Manager of the Tourism Area of the Marjal Group, Sergio Gómez, spoke about the “Marjal Exclusive family” and how they have made it possible to make our family grow with the same excitement we had when we started Marjal Exclusive Club.
Also, The Marjal Exclusive Summer Party photo contest, was a big success, we received more than 50 pictures, It has been very difficult for us to choose a winner due to the quality of the pictures and after a difficult decision, the winners of photo contest " My Marjal Exclusive" are:
· 1st prize (Basket with Spanish food): Cees Bergkamp with his picture titled Surprised lady.
· 2nd prize (Jamon piece): Gerardus Van Berlo with his photo called Sunset.
· 3rd prize (Pack of Spanish wines): Elaine Edwards with Saloon.
Prizes for the winners were given at "Marjal Camping & Bungalow Resort" on the 29 of July at 19:00. Thanks to everyone for participating!
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