The Observatory on Environmental Sustainability of the Province of Alicante (OSAPA), sponsored by Marjal Foundation and coordinated by the University Miguel Hernández of Elche (UMH), has become a member of the Observatory on Sustainability in Spain (OSE).
OSAPA was created to develop value enhancement actions on our natural heritage and to accommodate environmental sustainability. OSAPA will become as information center of the province of Alicante, with a scientific committee from the UMH for research in this field and opened to all those who want to show the positive actions made to improve our environment. OSE is an independent organization that was set up with the collaboration of the Spanish Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs.
The OSE has a multidisciplinary team to develop the tasks inherent to its mission, which is to stimulate social change towards sustainability and aspires to become a reference centre for the whole of Spain that rigorously collects, processes and assesses basic information on sustainability in Spain. Among its tools includes:
1. Annual indicator-based report on sustainability in Spain and sectoral and thematic reports
2. Network of Observatories on Sustainability in Spain
3. Espon European Programme (European Spatial Planning Observation Network)
4. Voluntary Commitments System
5. Permanent Forum on Sustainability
You can find more information of OSAPA in:
Twitter: @osapaes
Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad en España: