The initiative took place on September 23 and focused on the prevention of glaucoma. The medical staff went to the facilities of Grupo Marjal with a mobile unit to perform the eye tests and detect possible eye diseases in their early stages.
During the check-ups, measurements of each patient's intraocular pressure were taken with air-puff tonometry and the retina was assessed with imaging techniques and the use of an ophthalmoscope, also known as a funduscope. Both tests made it possible to examine the retina and the optic nerve as well as to detect possible damage to the pupils.
Thanks to this initiative, the members of Club Marjal Exclusive obtained precise information regarding ocular diseases. The medical staff aldo explained to them which steps they should follow to properly take care of their visual health.
Currently, glaucoma is considered one of the main causes of blindness. This disease impairs the retinal nerve fibre causing the gradually loss of vision. Patients usually notice patchy loss of peripheral vision or reduced clarity of colours. Due to the fact that this disease tends to progress slowly and there are rarely any symptoms in the early stages, the risk for the patient is high and, therefore, regular eye examinations by qualified prpfessionals are very important so as to diagnose glaucoma as soon as possible.
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